The Forum on Education Abroad and the Community-Based Global Learning Collaborative are proud to present the Centering Justice Institute

How do we as education abroad administrators, faculty, scholars, and practitioners center justice in our work?

What does it look like when we imagine education abroad as an opportunity to create more just and inclusive communities?

How do we expand education abroad access and support for first-generation college students and other underrepresented students?

Join us as we explore these questions and more at the Centering Justice Institute. Hosted by The Forum on Education Abroad and The Community-Based Global Learning Collaborative, the Institute will use the Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad as a foundation and the Interdependence: Global Solidarity and Local Actions Toolkit as a resource.

At the Institute you will:

  • Develop strategies to create more inclusive policies and program structures.

  • Gain resources to keep equity front and center in your work.

  • Connect with like-minded colleagues. 

Workshops & Activities

  • Overview of Key Definitions: What do we mean by justice, equity, diversity and inclusion? What is a first-generation student and what do we know about their unique experiences and perspectives?

  • Framing the Our Goals and Challenges: Why is justice the goal? What does justice look like for first-gen students? What's in the way of achieving that goal?

  • Presentation of Concepts and Models for Centering Justice in Education Abroad

  • Practical Applications and Strategies for Increasing Access, including program and policy review, team building, critical self-reflection, cross-functional collaboration and outreach, and the tools and resources that can help you do it.

  • Create an Action Plan for Your Own Organizational Contexts: We'll walk you through a series of exercises that will help you start putting your learning into action so that when you get back from the Institute you can put your plan in motion.

  • Networking Lunch, Coffee Breaks, and Reception where you'll share experiences and learn from like-minded colleagues.

Goals of the Institute

Following participation in this Institute, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand our roles and responsibilities to better support the perspectives and experiences that first-generation and underrepresented college students bring to their educational journey.

  • Apply current models of asset-based advising designed to guide and support first-generation and underrepresented college students through the education abroad cycle.

  • Initiate and enact changes to create more just policies and structures that create more equitable opportunities across all of our education abroad stakeholders, especially first generation and underrepresented students.

  • Consider and start to develop inclusive decolonial pedagogical approaches in education abroad orientations, staff and faculty development, trainings, and curriculum.